Monday, June 30, 2008

Shan Oakes - The real civil liberties candidate

The Green Party had to stand. Someone had to stand up for civil liberties

The Green Party have today launched their Haltemprice and Howden by-election campaign.

Green Party Principal Speaker Derek Wall has backed local education and environment activist Shan Oakes to contest the election. Shan has lived in East Riding since 1975, where she was an English teacher for many years and is one of the founders of Voice International, an organisation working to promote sustainability through education and is Chair of the Trustees of the Development Education Centre.

Leading Greens will be joining the Shan on the campaign trial in the next few weeks, including Dr. Wall, human rights spokesperson Peter Tatchell, target Parliamentary candidates Darren Johnson AM and Cllr. Adrian Ramsay, and prospective MEP candidates Peter Cranie and Cllr. Rupert Read.

Dr. Wall said

"This by-election was supposed to be about civil liberties.

"But it's been called by a man - David Davis - who thinks it's okay for the government to lock you up for four weeks without even telling you what you're supposed to have done.

"David Davis also believes that you should have no right to criticise the government within a mile of Parliament.

"He believes that if a child is being bullied for being gay, his school should not have a policy to protect him.

"And he believes that a judge should be allowed to kill you if he thinks you've committed a serious crime.

"So the Green Party had to stand. Someone had to stand up for civil liberties."
From: Shan Oakes blogspot

John Nicholson - Independent (Conservative)

Why I am looking to challenge David Davis in Howden & Haltemprise.

In standing as an independent conservative, I believe I have more to offer East Yorkshire then a petulant far right conservative, a newspaper’s man, or any other member of one or other of the extremist political parties.

I am independent because that is the only way I can act, I am a conservative because I believe only controlled capitalism will secure future world prosperity.

I was born in East Yorkshire, and from twenty three years of age built up a farming business from ten acres until I was farming seven hundred acres of my own land, with a livestock enterprise of three thousand breeding pigs.

The reason why I am not now farming, as I would want to be, is because in a severe downturn in one of the very many unprofitable periods so regularly endured by the pig industry, Unilever, my animal feed supplier in pig production, prevailed on the Midland bank to prevent me taking action to sustain my business, by reducing my herd, and my selling of an airfield pig unit near York, which had a high value for industrial development. Unilever demanded the appointing of a receiver on my business when I had in no way failed to comply with my lending terms. The Midland bank complied, and in so doing, destroyed both my business and my business credibility.

From that moment on, I have sought justice both for myself and for many others, I formed the Farmers Bank Action Group, to assist other farmers in difficult financial circumstances. I firmly believe that I clearly affected the way the banks have acted, and now act, towards farmers nationally. Receiverships have been virtually eliminated in respect of agricultural holdings.

Politics like business is both fascinating and vital, both consist of dealing with the present and preparing for the future, Unfortunately the pressures of the day too often affect the vital preparations for the future.

Free choice of leadership is the basis of all democracy, an individual Member of Parliament owes his duty to his party and his constituents. I am well placed to assist constituents with their problems of government and financial matters.

The banks and the government work closely together. I however owe no allegiance to any party or any bank I fully understand the problems of agriculture and the difficulties the third world has in feeding itself.

The likes of fuel food and mineral resources, will become an ever growing world problem. Only democracy can prevent countries becoming over run by dictatorships such as Zimbabwe. Only true democracies should have any voting rights within the United Nations.

I also have an overriding interest in the early teaching of our own young children and those in the greater world.For over thirteen years I have studied our personal abilities as to thinking and reasoning, Chinese children guided me to the realisation that the abacus was the best natural maths teacher.

I am at the present time working in conjunction with Emeritus Professor of theoretical physics, Winston Hagston. We are developing a world standard mathematics teaching program that can be adopted for teaching by parents or older children, so ensuring the possibilities of equality in education. Once any child is perfect in mathematics, and can read its own language well, with the use of a computer and internet, and provided with an older mentor or teacher, it can educate itself to any level its natural ability and determination strive for.My thinking is for the future, our children and Grand children.

The problems we all face are democracy, world food supplies, energy sources, and education.


we (man) will not survive without the concept of equality

it begins with education

I want to explain to the world that we can begin to create equality this morning.

John Nicholson


Glasgow East - Another By-Election?

A Labour MP is set to resign forcing another potentially embarrassing by-election for Gordon Brown in the wake of his fifth place humiliation in Henley.
The Telegraph can reveal that David Marshall, the East Glasgow MP, will stand down because of ill-health on Monday.

The seat, with a 13,507 Labour majority, would normally be considered safe.

However, the Scottish National Party will target the seat and Labour sources told the Telegraph that they believed the seat was "vulnerable."

Another test of Mr Brown's popularity was the last thing the Prime Minister needed this summer.

The fact that it will be in his homeland will add to the pressure.

Last year Mr Brown suffered the embarrassment of losing the Scottish Parliament to Alex Salmond's SNP.

And the year before Labour lost a by-election in Dunfermline, where Mr Brown has his Scottish home.

The Lib Dems, having fought two poor campaigns in recent months, will also try to upset Labour in the by-election which is likely to take place later this summer.

Labour fears that the SNP will select Scottish comedienne Elaine C Smith as their candidate. She lives in the constituency and is very popular locally.

Mr Marshall has been ill for some time. It is understood that the illness may be related to depression.

However, party sources have also revealed that he felt under pressure because he had employed his wife and daughter on his Commons payroll. They add that there is no suggestion he did not abide by all the Commons rules governing expenses however.

Labour was able to claim that it put little effort into the Henley by-election because they knew it was unwinnable. However, in Glasgow they will have to launch a full blown campaign to try and hang on to the seat.

From: Telegraph

Hamish Howitt (Freedom 4 Choice)





From: Hamish Howitt

Christian Party Leader to Stand

Christian Party leader and former Campsfield House Detention Centre associate chaplain, Revd George Hargreaves is standing in the Haltemprice and Howden by-election.

Revd Hargreaves who was also Chair of the Metropolitan Police Service?s Stop and Search Community Consultative Committee in the wake of 7/7 is asking the Haltemprice and Howden electorate to use their vote to demand a referendum on the European Union, which he believes in the greatest threat to our civil liberties.
The decision to stand came after a telephone poll of over 4,000 electors in the constituency. ?Almost three out of four respondents voted for the Christian Party to stand in the by-election.?, noted Revd Hargreaves. The poll took place all day Saturday and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

Revd Hargreaves added, ?I started in politics with Sir James Goldsmith?s Referendum Party back in 1996. Twelve years later we still have not had a referendum on Europe. Now with the Lisbon Treaty ratified by the Labour Government, and only the Irish ?No Vote.? saving us, we must make our voice heard. Haltemprice and Howden by-election is the place for such a noble endeavour.?

Revd Hargreaves has posted an address on You Tube explaining why he is standing.
From: Christian Party

Miss Great Britain Will Stand Against David Davis

Reigning Miss Great Britain, Gemma Garrett, is to stand against David Davis in the forthcoming Haltemprice and Howden by-election, the Miss Great Britain Party announces today.

In the absence of either a Labour or a Lib Dem candidate Miss Great Britain will provide the main opposition to David Davis and offer an alternative to thousands of voters who believe that there are far more important issues than whether or not to extend by 14 days the amount of time terror suspects can be detained.

Party founder and leader, Robert de Keyser, said: “We have completed our selection process and are delighted to have Gemma standing as a credible and serious candidate.

“We are already getting clear indications that many traditional Labour and Lib Dem voters will rally to her because they want to register a positive vote against Mr Davis rather than simply abstaining and allowing him to be returned unopposed in a by-election caused by political vanity.”

Gemma Garrett said: “I am delighted to be fighting this by-election on the issues which really matter to the British people rather than Mr Davis’s trivial obsession over detaining terror suspects for an extra 14 days.

“As we will be the only party fighting on a full manifesto rather than a single issue, I look forward to debating policy with Mr Davis on things like tax relief of childcare, proper pay for our armed forces and better deals for pensioners, homebuyers and home owners, and mothers.

“The Miss Great Britain Party believes that these issues are not being properly debated because politics is seen as being sleazy, cynical and male dominated. By getting more beautiful women to Westminster we believe that we can re-engage voters and bring about the changes they really want to see.”

Gemma has already stood in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election where her campaign to make politics sexy not sleazy attracted widespread publicity. The Miss Great Britain Party also has two candidates, louise Cole and Amanda Harrington, standing in the Henley by-election where voting takes place next week.Key

Miss Great Britain manifesto points include:

Securing proper pay and frontline increments for British soldiers as well as rights to substantial guaranteed compensation in the event of injury or death

Ensuring that all necessarily incurred child care costs are fully tax deductible

A better deal for home buyers by abolishing stamp duties for first time buyers and making family homes exempt from inheritance tax

A better deal for pensioners by indexing annual pension increases against the true rise in the cost of energy, food etc rather than using the RPI and by increasing tax allowances for women under the age of 65

A better deal for mothers who take time off to work to have children
Compulsory health and beauty education to improve the looks of Britons

A British Bank Holiday which encourages people to look fabulous for the day

Help motorists by capping increases in fuel duties against the rising price of oil

Higher tax for higher earners with a 45 per cent rate for those on £100,000 pa rising to 50 per cent on earnings above £200,000 pa.
From: miss GB website

Eamonn "Fitzy" Fitzpatrick, Independent Candidate

An Open Letter to the People of Haltemprice and Howden

Many of you will be wondering why I am contesting this by-election, and what I stand for. I am here because I believe strongly in the traditional common-sense of the British people, and particularly in the common-sense of Yorkshire folk.

Like you I was surprised when Mr David Davis resigned from Parliament over the matter of the 42-day detention. I believe he did his own Conservative party no good at all over this issue, and it is obvious that even the most liberal of Liberal-Democrats were surprised at his behaviour. I believe that Mr Davis is an honourable man who has taken a disastrous decision. It was probably one of the biggest political blunders since Iraq. It is a waste of public money and an exercise in personal vanity. It was not the conduct expected of a Shadow Home Secretary, and such petulance calls into question his suitability for this office. A Shadow Home Secretary should be able to accurately gauge the mood of the British people.

Forty-two days detention is a reasonable act for unreasonable people.

Like most people I am in favour of the 42-day detention period for terrorist suspects because it does give the police more time to complete the tricky job of gathering sufficient evidence. In this country a great deal of evidence is necessary to even bring a terrorist case to court; often more than the amount which, in many countries, would put someone behind bars for a very long time.

I believe that in Britain the honest man has nothing to fear. I love my liberty; perhaps I appreciate it more than Mr Davis does. You can read my blog at:

I am of the opinion that the people of this country, considering the present state of affairs, would welcome a General Election rather than the occasional by-election. I enjoy being involved in politics, and have stood in two elections, including a General Election. I would welcome a face-to-face debate with David Davis and the other candidates in this by-election. I want to bring a bit of humour, and although I'm doing this election to a very tight budget I look forward to enjoying every minute of it.

In the market trade we associate Yorkshire with some of the best produce in the world, grown by people who know what they're doing. I have a great respect for Yorkshire folk, and I look forward to meeting the people of Haltemprice and Howden in the near future.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chris Foren - Independent - Work for Progress

Work for Progress founder Chris Foren is standing as an independent candidate in the forthcoming by-election at Haltemprice and Howden.

Work For Progress is an embryonic political party. It is dedicated to creating a greener, healthier, happier and more democratic society in the United Kingdom. We believe that the key to building such a society is to establish far greater equality of income and wealth.

Why is equality so important?

More equal societies are healthier - life expectancy is longer in societies that are not divided by large disparities in wealth and income.

More equal societies are less violent and have lower crime rates.

Work for Progress believes that some sacrifices are necessary in our material standard of living if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change and other environmental damage. We cannot expect these sacrifices to be borne only by the poorest in our society.

What about economic growth? Work for Progress believes that the price we pay for economic growth is often too high: We destroy the beauty of our natural landscape and the individuality of our towns and cities. We sacrifice family life by having some of the longest working hours in Europe. Our foreign policy is distorted in order to support corporate economic interests located in other parts of the world.

Why do we continue to pay such a high price for growth? The UK is much richer than it was 50 years ago yet, in common with other Western countries, we have not become any happier.
From: Work For Progress

Vote Tom Darwood - Independent

Dear Electorate,

Your constituency MP David Davis seeks a new mandate for the cause that he so passionately believes in and I acknowledge how important he is to your concerns. I am entering this contest with no understanding of your presiding concerns, but I respect them enormously and understand how precious a constitutional action this is to you all. I appeal to your sense of faith towards what you believe in, duty to implement those beliefs and honour its sweet reward.

My appeal is that you may consider diverting these great aspirations towards an unexpected and perhaps a disturbing and complex perspective presented to you at this time. Your minds will be focused I know towards the prevailing election and of its obvious agenda, your sense of duty and loyalty will not diminish with the apparent clamour of candidates vying for your attention and vote and I cannot dismiss this inclusion in myself. What I do hope for is to stimulate this election into fresh thinking, and I know there is little time to fully consider my presentation, but perhaps sufficient data has been rendered by which to attract your minds in which such devotions can achieve universal leadership.

We all understand what is meant when America catches a cold and the world animates outwardly. I like to see in this a much deeper association which reflects the ‘ Special relationship’ between Britain and America in a role reversal in this wise. I like to believe that Britain and Europe is the spiritual heart and soul of a figure transfigured into a robust and dynamic mortality. This mortality and ours in recent years has suffered severe wounds being placed in harms way and both its pride and peoples lay in recession and its spirit argues for both restoration and recovery.

Where nations once gathered up surplus wealth wrought of their own endeavour find the world’s resources ever extending further from their reach and lament the purchasing power of former labours to be insufficient, both peoples and custom idle behind the emergence of rising nations whom now stride with the vigour which once was the custom of this great nation. ‘ A man’s reach should be beyond his grasp, or what else is heaven for ?’ When America strides towards the highest aspiration her stature grows. This aspiration must be within her reach but beyond her grasp, for in so striding towards the highest, she will uplift the entire free world to a new promontory and secure a vast new wealth creating process underwritten by the reform of the United Nations into a World Parliament.

Your constitutional act can seize the moment and turn a local by-election into universal acclaim and render a VISION we can all hope for to UNITE with the CHANGE that America believes in.

Your vote can inspire this vision into reality.

Vote Tom Darwood, Independent
From: Tom Darwood website

David Craig stands on a single issue

David Craig has decided that he too will fight Haltemprice and Howden on a single issue.

Having researched and written my book Squandered: How Gordon Brown is wasting over one trillion pounds of our money, which was published in April, I am so incensed at how our leaders have lost touch with the lives of ordinary voters that I have decided to stand as a candidate against David Davis in Haltemprice and Howden.

My message is that the 42 days issue is not important to most people as we are unlikely to be affected by it. However, living on the national average salary as I do, I believe that what is important to taxpayers is how MPs have become overpaid, out of touch and are wasting billions of pounds of our money when the cost of living is spiralling out of control.

Instead of seeing their role as public service, too many MPs think it is self-service; instead of helping voters, they help themselves; instead of spending our money wisely they waste it on worthless schemes promoting their own legacy - £14bn-plus on the Olympics, £12bn-plus on the NHS IT system, £5bn-plus on identity cards, and so on.

As taxes shoot ever higher, the Government has squandered over one trillion pounds on failed schemes to improve public services. As fuel prices rocket, MPs think only about increasing their own petrol allowances. While the average family must live on about £24,000 a year, MPs want a pay increase of about £40,000 - taking them to £100,000 for just 30 weeks' work. As private pension schemes wither away, MPs get the equivalent of £50,000 a year paid into their pension funds.

Because I believe our leaders are overpaid, I commit to giving half my MP's salary to charity if I am elected. The ten people who propose, second and sign supporting my candidature can choose the ten charities. It's time for a 'people's revolt' against our wasteful, self-serving rulers.
From: The First Post


To quote DouglasAdams's Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy........

"All right," said Deep Thought. "The Answer to the Great Question..."
"Of Life, the Universe and Everything..." said Deep Thought.
"Is..." said Deep Thought, and paused.
"Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.

The answer is 42!!! Now we just need to figure out the real question!!!

A vote for the Mad Cow-Girl is a vote for a return to real law & order.

I may be a Loony, but I'm not mad enough to want dangerous people walking free in the name of political correctness.

Suspected terrorists should be held until proved safe.
Sex offenders should be held in asylums until considered safe (if ever).
Antisocial yobs can rot in prison if they can't be sociable.

Why don't decent citizens have a "Human Right" not to be assaulted, blown up or harassed, when the criminals can scream human rights if their handcuffs hurt?


Ronnie Carroll - Make Politicians History

David Davis will be challenged in his by-election stand against the government's terror bill by Hamp-stead crooner Ronnie Carroll.

The two-times Eurovision contender and sixties icon has decided to give the Tory politician a run for his money in his Howden and Haltemprice seat.

Mr Davis stood down as MP to call a by-election in protest against the government's 42-day detention laws for suspected terrorists.

Despite disagreeing with Mr Davis over the issue Mr Carroll, whose real name is Ronnie Cleghorn, has not quite decided which one of them should end up with 'nul points.'

"I am up for the challenge - why not?" said the 73-year-old. "It's a bit of fun and it's good to stand for Parliament when you're in your dotage because you fit the bill.

"I can't make up my mind about David Davis. I think he's doing it for the right reasons and I can't believe he'd just do it for his ego, but maybe it's to make a play for the leadership. I think if 42 days is confined to terrorists, why not change it? They're doing their best to keep us out of trouble and I'm all for that.

"I'll probably get 114 votes or something like that - it'll be business as usual. I may campaign to get no votes. I did that in the Uxbridge by-election to try to get into the Guinness Book of Records but 40 people still voted for me."
From: Ham & High

Church of the Militant Elvis Party

Howden Manifesto

June 27, 2008 — Lord Biro

Our candidate if elected will do his best to stop Ayatollah Brown terrorising Magna Carta, single mothers and the disabled.

If elected our candidate would like to see Cherie Blair detained indefinitely in a Convent to stop her having sex with Tony and telling us all the boring details.

If elected our candidate would like to see Butler Paul Burrell banged up in the Tower for 42 years for bonking Princess Di and catching the Queen “Starkers” (News of the World, June 16th)

If elected our candidate would like to see Abu Hamza sent to Ulster instead of the USA, so he can build a mosque next to Ian Paisley’s house, then they can rant at each other to their heart’s content.

If elected our candidate would like to see hell-fire preacher, the Rev. Ian Paisley put in our Party’s solar powered electric chair & given a good roasting for his party’s (DUP) disgraceful support of Brown’s 42 day Detention Bill.

If elected our candidate would like to see CCTV cameras placed in Nick “Cleggover’s” bedroom to prove how useless he is !
From: Church of the Militant Elvis Party

Haltemprice and Howden Candidates

The full list of candidates is:

Grace Christine Astley (Ind)

David Laurence Bishop (Church of the Militant Elvis Party)

Ronnie Carroll (Make Politicians History)

Mad Cow-Girl (The Official Monster Raving Loony Party)

David Craig (Ind)

Herbert Winford Crossman (Ind)

Tess Culnane (National Front Britain for the British)

Thomas Faithful Darwood (Ind)

David Michael Davis (The Conservative Party Candidate)

Tony Farnon (Ind)

Eamonn Fitzy Fitzpatrick (Ind)

Christopher Mark Foren (Ind)

Gemma Dawn Garrett (Miss Great Britain Party)

George Hargreaves (Christian party)

Hamish Howitt (Freedom 4 Choice)

David Icke (no description given)

John Nicholson (Ind)

Shan Oakes (Green Party)

David Pinder (The New Party)

Joanne Robinson (English Democrats - Putting England First)

Jill Saward (Ind)

Norman Scarth (Ind)

Walter Edward Sweeney (Ind)

Christopher John Talbot (Socialist Equality Party)

John Randale Upex (Ind)

Greg Wood (Ind)

English Democrats' candidate

Haltemprice & Howden By-election The English Democrats are pleased to announce that Joanne Robinson has been nominated for the forthcoming by-election in Haltemprice and Howden, under the slogan "Putting England First!".

Joanne was born on 2nd February 1957 in Hull. She has been married since 1977 to the same man! She has 6 ‘O’ Levels. She has a HNC in Canine Behaviour and Training at Bishop Burton in 2004. After a variety of jobs, including as a Civil Servant, Joanne went into book-keeping specialising in petrol stations and was a sole proprietor from 1992 to 1998 at the Forth Service Station on Spring Bank. Since then Joanne has worked as a legal cashier, service station manager and for the last 3 years part-time Office Manager for an Event Management Company.

Politically Joanne had been a Conservative voter but she became active in the Referendum Party. Joanne was the UKIP Parliamentary candidate in the General Election in 2001, when she got 945 votes. In 2003 Joanne was a UKIP local candidate but she became increasingly disappointed by UKIP’s leadership failure to capitalize on their momentum. Joanne now thinks that UKIP is “dead but not yet buried”, and that it is also insufficiently concerned about England, so she joined the English Democrats.

Joanne stood for the English Democrats in 2007 in Tranby Ward in the local elections within this constituency and got 544 votes (18.82%) easily beating Labour and close to the Conservatives. Also this year, although there were no local elections within the constituency, the English Democrats stood in 4 adjoining wards, in Hull, and beat the Conservative candidates 3 out of 4 times.

Joanne says: “The English Democrats are offering a fresh start and reject the cliché ridden and spin politics of the past. We offer the politics of a common national identity and common values. Our politics are riddled with spin and political correctness, a vote for the English Democrats is a vote for honest and plain speaking”.

Joanne says: “There should be an immediate referendum on the EU Lisbon Treaty. It is wholly wrong for Labour to try to impose this Treaty on us, contrary to their own specific manifesto commitment that there should be a referendum. The people of the Republic of Ireland have said NO – WE WANT OUR SAY”.

Joanne says: “There should be free residential care for the elderly, as is available in Scotland. It is wrong that pensioners’ homes in England are being seized to pay for this”.

Joanne says: “We also demand access to all NHS drugs – not a “postcode lottery”, which means that English patients cannot receive some expensive drugs which are freely available in Scotland.”

Joanne says: “There should be an end to the unjustified subsidies to other parts of the UK – We want a fair system for all.”

Joanne says: “England can no longer sustain uncontrolled mass immigration. It should be stopped. It places an unacceptable strain on all our services. All previous governments have allowed this situation to get out of control”.

Joanne says: “The Government should seek to protect society and not the criminals”.

Joanne says: “There should be an English Parliament, with an English Prime Minister and Government with at least the same powers as the Scottish ones”.

Joanne also says: “The voters of Haltemprice and Howden have the chance to send a clear message to the government and the rest of the stale political Establishment that the people of England are no longer prepared to be treated as second class citizens within the UK. Let us put England’s interests first”

Robin Tilbrook, Chairman of the English Democrats, said: “I am delighted to welcome Joanne’s nomination. It is a clear sign of the speed with which the English Democrats are growing. Even Labour’s Derek Wyatt MP a few days ago said, at Westminster, (on the 18th June) “..I am convinced that standing still is not an option. The present arrangements are producing growing resentment all over the United Kingdom, particularly in England..”.

Robin Tilbrook also said that: “A vote for Joanne and the English Democrats is a positive vote for the people of Haltemprice and Howden. It is a vote for ENGLAND and for an English Parliament, First Minister and Government for England”.
From: English Democrats


I am not standing to oppose David Davis as such because I have no wish to be elected to Parliament and get stuck in that irrelevant web of deceit and corruption. I couldn't take my seat anyway because I would never go through the pathetic ritual of pledging my 'allegiance' to the Queen.

I would be supporting the stand of Davis against the Orwellian State and I would want him to win the seat and let him be a voice against the Big Brother society in Parliament.

There is an enormous amount of what David Davis stands for on other issues that I fundamentally disagree with, but this is a time for all colours, creeds, backgrounds and views to unite on something that affects ALL of us - the tearing down of the most basic freedoms.

And if people think they live in a Big Brother Police State now, they have seen nothing yet.

So why am I standing in the election with Davis?

Because this election, with its mainstream media coverage, can be a platform to gain publicity for the big picture behind the Big Brother State - which I have been highlighting and warning about in my books and public talks for nearly 20 years.

David Davis has seen one level of it and blames the Labour government for destroying civil liberties in Britain. But it is bigger than that, much bigger. The same is happening in countries worldwide at the same time because it is centrally and globally coordinated, as I have been exposing and detailing for these last two decades.

The UK Labour government is just the vehicle for introducing it in the UK, that's all.

The maximum any candidate can spend on the three to four weeks campaigning is £100,000 and David Davis will be spending at least the best part of that.

I would do it with a fraction of that figure because I am not trying to get elected - just get essential information into the public arena.

From: David

Friday, June 27, 2008


Conservative Hold
Majority 10,116

Henley turnout 50.5%

Henley turnout of 34,915, equalling 50.5%.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

John Howell's Campaign Blog

Wednesday, 25 June, 2008

Libs negative campaigning seems to have hit them hard - 3.00pm

After waving good bye to Boris as we finished our walkabout in Henley town centre we headed down to Shiplake to do some canvassing with our local branch members before continuing on a tour of some of the southern most villages in the constituency including Sonning Common and Woodcote.

From there it was on to Goring, which is a lovely town right on the edge of our patch here. It was interesting that it is now quite clear that some people have had enough of the literature coming through their door and I have a certain amount of sympathy for them. I've seen a number of posters in people's windows now exclaiming that they are voting for me and don't want any more negative campaigning from the Liberals.

Then it was on to Stadhampton and Garsington finally ending up in Marsh Baldon which is an area I have previously represented as a County Councillor and it was good to catch up with lots of friendly faces that I haven't seen for a while. We had a very good reception around the Green and then we held a house meeting which was very well attended with over 20 people dropping by.

It was interesting to see how the people of Marsh Baldon have reacted to the campaign. Many, as in every other part of the constituency, have been appalled by the negative tactics used by the Lib Dems. Others had taken a particular interest in my continuing commitment to the green belt and other positive messages that had clearly resonated with them.

We started the final day of campaigning in Sandford-on-Thames which is right on the edge of the City of Oxford. From there it was back once again to Watlington where we were joined once again by Peter Henley of the BBC. He was doing his final piece of filming and managed to capture a large group of us, including the Shadow Justice Secretary Nick Herbert, delivering pledge letters. The weather is just about holding so now we're off to three or four more villages with piles of pledge letters to deliver.
From: Henley Conservatives

Paddy comes back to Henley

Former Party Leader Paddy Ashdown returned to support Stephen Kearney's campaign in Henley this morning. Paddy and Stephen Kearney went to the livestock market in the centre of Thame to speak to farmers about the issues concerning them.

Wednesday is sheep day at the market and, despite the recent rise in prices, there are still many worries for farmers including proposals from Brussels to increase paperwork for sheep farmers and livestock markets.

On Wednesday afternoon, Nick Clegg came for his eighth visit of the campaign and went canvassing and speaking to voters on Chinnor Road before visiting the Lib Dems Thame HQ and talking to members and helpers there.
From: Henley Liberal Democrats

5 good reasons to vote Labour today

1 Vote with your principles.

The LibDems always exaggerate their support. They were miles behind the Tories in Henley last time and have no chance of winning despite their dirty tricks. Tactical voting has never worked in Henley and people can safely vote with their principles.

2 Reject LibDem Dirty Tricks.

The by-election has been marked by LibDem smears and personal attacks on the Conservative candidate. Yet the LibDems did a deal even before David Davis’ resignation not to contest the sham by-election caused by the Tory Shadow Home Secretary because they agree with him on cutting back on CCTV cameras and stopping the police holding terrorist suspects longer.

3 Tories unfit to govern.

The Tories are still not fit to form a government. They have no clear policies. David Cameron has still not expelled those Tory MPs and MEPs who have been siphoning off public money to family members.

4 Labour – On your side.

Labour’s Richard McKenzie is on your side and can get things done for local people as he has shown with this week’s climb down by the Environment Agency over the sale of lock-keepers’ cottages on the Thames. Richard is supporting extra investment for local schools and hospitals, longer GP opening hours to benefit patients and more affordable housing for people and families on low-incomes.

5 The LibDems can’t win here.

They were 13,000 votes behind last time and have only got a quarter of the vote in the last three elections here.

“Richard has proved himself to be a great champion for local people and deserves your vote today. “

From: Henley Labour Party

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tories taking nothing for granted in Henley

David Cameron has issued a call to arms by ordering all 191 Conservative MPs as well as backroom staff at Tory HQ and party workers from further afield to descend on Henley tomorrow to rally support on polling day.

The remarkable move is not out of panic, insisted a spokesman for the party leader, but because the opposition is taking nothing for granted.

"It does not smack of panic. Our record at by-elections is not a particularly good one. Every shadow cabinet member visited Crewe and Nantwich at least three times and a huge number of MPs turned out there.

"We are not taking anything for granted. There will be a massive show on Thursday; several hundred people," he told The Herald last night.

While blind panic might not lie behind the unusual move, there is concern that John Howell, the Tory candidate, is finding it difficult to muster support as activists feel more interested in helping the fortunes of David Davis, the former Shadow Home Secretary, who is fighting a July 10 by-election in his former seat of Haltemprice and Howden in Yorkshire.

The Oxfordshire seat became vacant after Boris Johnson stood down following his victory in the London mayoral contest. His majority was 12,793.

The Tories look certain to hold the seat and are hoping that Labour, which came third three years ago, could lose its deposit.

From: The Herald

Head-to-head at the Henley hustings

With the polls for the Henley by-election taking place on Thursday 26 June 2008, BBC Radio Berkshire gathered the main candidates for the post vacated by Boris Johnson.

You can hear what the candidates had to say at BBC RADIO BERKSHIRE

Dick Rodgers is wandering around with a pole strapped to his back...

From the Guardians Byelection blog - live from Henley

...11.40am: A vicar called Dick Rodgers is wandering around with a pole strapped to his back holding up a billboard with his picture on it. He's one of 9 fringe candidates, and he's standing under the banner Common Good. He seems to think that the problems facing the world would be ameliorated if (among other things) more children were to do their maths homework. He's stood for election six times already, and, of course, he hasn't got a chance. But it's good to see someone speaking up for maths homework.

Postal votes hit 4000

We're in the finishing straight. 48 hours from now and the count will be about to start. The last couple of days have been a mixture of continuing to process postal votes and preparing for election day.

Postal votes first. About 4,000 so far and we reckon another thousand to go. Everybody, staff and counting agents got fed up this morning as our computer equipment played up and everything slowed down. Fortunately we found what the problem was and hopefully tomorrow everything will be back to normal. No major problems - we found the vote that had been thrown away with the emptied envelopes, for example. At least this shows that our checking processes work!

Polling stations are all lined up and the ballot boxes are ready. There's 78 in all -we have 78 polling stations in about 70 locations. This is because some locations have more than one polling station. the boxes get picked up tomorrow so the council offices will be a hive of activity as presiding officers come and go.

Finally the count. Everything in running this election is important but getting the count right is probably top of the list. We've never used Thame Leisure Centre before so there's an element of the unknown but we're planning as best we can. The first main issue is going to be getting the cars with ballot boxes down the drive without being held up. We have Thames Valley Police working with us on traffic control so hopefully everything will go smoothly. I'm told that at the recent Crewe by-election Cheshire police set up a cordon round the count, including an armed response unit. We're a bit more laid back in Oxfordshire obviously - we have two police officers and two PCSOs on duty on the night.

Tomorrow I'll run through some of the other things that we need to get right on the night including, of course, the result.

From: Henley Acting Returning Officer

UKIP Public Meeting at Henley Town Hall

A well attended public meeting in Henley Town Hall last night (Monday 23rd of June 2008) heard a panel of speakers address issues relating to the Henley by-election, the European Union and the state of politics in the UK and around the world.

The meeting was opened by Steve Radford from the Liberal Party who spoke on the importance of free trade as opposed to the protectionism preferred by the European Union. Nigel Farage then spoke on the Lisbon Treaty and the importance of the Irish NO Vote. The final speaker was the Henley UKIP by-election Candidate, Chris Adams, who shared his campaign experiences and talked about issued being raised on the doorstep.

Steve Harris, UKIP South East Organiser and Henley Campaign Election Agent then chaired a lively question time. The UK Independence Party being unique amongst political parties in that public question time is exactly that: Public. There are no planted questions, no set pieces and no subject is taboo.

The session actually opened with an impassioned plea from the floor for UKIP to disband and for its members to stop damaging the Tory Party and allowing the Labour Party to retain power. It is not an unreasonable assumption that the question was being put by a disgruntled Tory. Nigel Farage explained that UKIP’s primary aim was to get this country out of the European Union. In order to do that we needed to fight elections against every pro-EU Party and that included the Tories. The questioner denied the Tories werepro-EU but accepted it was Heath who took us in and that every Tory Prime Minster from then on allowed the power of the EU to grow, up to and including the last Tory Prime Minister, John Major who signed the Maastricht Treaty. The current Tory Leader, David Cameron, is now on record as saying the Tories will not repeal the Lisbon Treaty should they win power at the next election. The feeling of the meeting was definitely that any Tory who felt the Conservatives were in any way really eurosceptic was in fact fooling themselves. The Tory grass roots might not want further integration but the Conservative Leadership was 100% united with both Labour and the Lib-Dems in supporting the EU Project, while both UKIP and the Liberal Party are both in favour of leaving the EU.

Questions included “What do Lib-Dems actually stand for?” Answer: whatever they think you want to hear in order to get your vote! through to the state road network in Henley – Answer: terrible!

The meeting closed at 9.00pm. Chris Adams, UKIP Candidate for the Henley by-election wrapped up the meeting and Steve Harris thanked everyone for coming. About forty of us retired to the Argyll public House in Henley to relax and unwind after a very successful day’s campaigning.

From: Henley UKIP

Back to work on the political trail

It's been a wonderful day of sunshine, canvassing and media interviews in Henley today - so back to work on the political trail. Sunday had been a good chance to catch up with things musical and to rehearse a
choir made up of people from villages across the northern part of the constituency.

Today, we started off canvassing with William Hague before William did a live interview with the BBC News Channel who had their correspondent James Landale based in the Market Place all day. It's always great campaigning with William as he gets such a good reaction wherever he goes and today was certainly no exception.

After William's interview it was more canvassing before a visit to the Sacred Heart Primary School where they seem to be raising a few budding Jeremy Paxmans. It was great to see children of 8 and 9 take an interest in politics and ask well thought out questions about policy.

After lunch it was time for the first head to head TV appearance I have had in this campaign with the Labour and Lib Dem candidates. Sadly we only had time for James Landale to ask us two questions each so it wasn't possible to get to the bottom of why the Libs have been so negative in this campaign. We're all on BBC Berkshire tomorrow for an
hour so I hope we'll find out then - as well as when Stephen Kearney is planning on moving back to Plymouth!

George Osborne then arrived for what I think is his third visit in as many weeks. We went to the Chiltern Centre for Disabled Children and had an enjoyable time seeing some of the amazing work that is done with the disabled children.

I've just finished another canvassing house meeting in Watlington and am looking forward to another busy day tomorrow.

From: Henley Conservatives Blog

Kearney and Clegg in Thame

Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg rejoined Stephen Kearney in Henley today. Stephen and Nick visited Barley Hill Primary School in Thame for a briefing with the headteacher, then chatted and played with the children in the breakfast club.

In a recent key note speech in London, Party Leader Nick Clegg set out plans to give schools greater freedoms, allowing them to tailor education to the needs of their pupils. They include:

Scrapping mandatory national tests for seven and 14 year olds, with the money saved put into early assessment at age five and a huge expansion of one-to-one reading and numeracy tuition.

Abolishing the overly prescriptive national curriculum and replacing it with a shorter document, and allowing all schools the curriculum freedoms currently enjoyed by Academies.

Taking the politics out of the day-to-day management of schools by establishing an independent Education Standards Authority and slashing the size of the central government department by half.

Changing targets so that schools are incentivised to address the needs of all pupils, not just those 'borderline' pupils.

Many schools in rural areas, including South Oxfordshire, are losing out because of a Government funding formula that does not take proper account of their needs.

"Local schools are doing a great job of using their resources to provide an excellent education for local children. They have a lot to be proud of," said Lib Dem Campaigner Stephen Kearney.

"However the current Government formula does not take full account of the needs of schools in rural areas and I will be campaigning for a fair deal for our local schools."

From: Henley Liberal Democrats

Henley, live from the front line

This Blog is great for keeping up with the leaflets that are being sent out in Henley - Henley, live from the front line

Monday, June 23, 2008

Gurkhas come out to help Stephen Kearney

Many former Gurkha soldiers today travelled to Thame and Henley to help Stephen Kearney in his campaign to be Henley's next MP. Stephen has thrown his weight behind the campaign to ensure all retired Gurkhas who fought in the British army get the right to citizenship, as well as a fair deal on pensions.

Liberal Democrat candidate in the Henley by-election, Stephen Kearney said:

"Gurkha soldiers have fought bravely in the British army for over a hundred years. The least they deserve is a decent pension and the right to British citizenship.

"I'm delighted that so many former Gurkhas have come out today to join my campaign."

Dhan Gurung, who helps spearhead the Gurkhas campaign and became Britain's first ex-Gurkha Councillor on Folkestone Town Council in May 2007, said:

"We are delighted to have the support of Stephen Kearney and the Liberal Democrats in our campaign for a fair deal for Gurkhas.

"I will be doing all I can to help make Stephen Henley's next MP."

From: Henley Liberal Democrats

Saturday, June 21, 2008

English Democrats were out in force at Henley today

The English Democrats were out in force at Henley today, reminding the locals that they live in England, despite the fact that the local Council preferred that WE didn't!

Was there ever a place that needed an English Democrats MP more??

Henley has for too long been the preserve of Barking Boris and the Butcher's Apron ensemble. So full of bile for dear Old England that even the local council despises the flag of St George.

After the team were told to "remove" English bunting, for it might scare the horses, normality resumed as the Red White and Blue clogged up the high street. Ironically the local church was sporting England's national flag, a point overlooked by the over zealous members of the Town Hall self hatred brigade.

Oh the joy of living in a democracy, who says free speech is dead????

When a place like Henley objects to the flying of the nation's flag you know that the rot is well and truly setting in. Let's hope that Derek Allpass a resolute English Democrat Patriot will defend the rights of the English to be English in England and that one day the Britophiles who despise England with a terrifying degree of loathing will be cast from our midsts. Amen to that!

Here is a video of the day's campaigning, what great shots and to quote Darren Riley on seeing the sight of the Cross of St George fluttering in the beeze in Henley....."Don't it look great!"

Well done to all those who took Saturday out of their own free time to defend England and her right to equality -respect and thanks to the whole team.

'Don't use us as a pawn,' school tells Lib Dems

A LEAFLET, distributed by the Lib Dems in and around Chinnor has outraged a village primary school by making assumptions about the school's 'lack' of funding.
The flyer, which a member of staff from Mill Lane Primary school first brought to the attention of the headteacher and the governors,claims in its headline that Mill Lane is subject to a 'budget squeeze'.

Steve Moody, the Vice Chairman of the school's board of governors, says the leaflet implies that the school is therefore struggling by saying the school received a rise in funding that was below the 3.1 per cent inflation rate.

"In fact, due to good leadership and management practices within the school, the planned spending for this year will be 8.3 per cent higher than last," said Mr Moody.

He went on to say that Mill Lane was not consulted about the article in the leaflet. Inside the hand-out, there is a picture of the Lib Dem's Henley by-election candidate Stephen Kearney in the presence of two young children. "I would like to emphasise that we do not know who the children are. They are not Mill Lane pupils and the Lib Dem candidate has never visited the school," said Mr Moody.

A spokesman from the Liberal Democrats' by-election team, which has been running a strong campaign, said the photograph of Mr Kearney was a stock image that is used in relation to schools and education.

He went on to say that, following a meeting between the Lib Dems and Mr Moody, it was agreed the figures contained in the leaflet were obtained from Oxford County Council following an information request. "The figures we have got are accurate in the funding per pupil and we think the school are doing a great job, managing a very difficult budget and the Government in our view are under-funding local schools.

"We are happy that the figures are accurate and we will be clarifying our position in our next leaflet. Our figures stand up but the tone of the language in the leaflet is something we need to look at in the future."

Mr Moody added: "What perturbs us most is that both village schools are high-performing with Key Stage 2 results well above county and national averages, but Mill Lane is being stigmatised as the one with a 'budget-squeeze.' Nothing could be further from reality, but what will parents of prospective pupils think now?

"The real issue is that rural primaries by their very success have been burgeoning needs, but the funding formulae are skewed in favour of urban schools
From: Thame Gazette

Labour leaflet - Delivering for Henley

From: Henley Labour

Friday, June 20, 2008

Boris Johnson has demanded Lib Dems withdraw their latest leaflet


Boris Johnson campaigning in Henley today has written to LibDem campaign chief Lord Rennard about a glossy magazine that is being circulated which, at a quick glance, appears to include a column from Boris. This is the letter and you can see the offending back cover below it:

"Dear Lord Rennard

My attention has been drawn to your shameful leaflet masquerading as some sort of independent Oxfordshire magazine.

I ask that you immediately withdraw it since on the back page you have what purports to be a picture by-line opinion piece from me giving my assessment of the candidates in the Henley by-election. This is simply a shameful exercise in misrepresentation.

Many readers will be taken in by this deceit and the people of Henley and South Oxfordshire deserve better. This is the latest low point in a long and undistinguished history of Liberal Democrat campaigning. It is sad that you have plumbed these new depths.

I ask that you withdraw this misleading leaflet without delay.

Best wishes

Boris Johnson."


BORIS JOHNSON, accompanied by the Conservative candidate who hopes to replace him after the forthcoming by election on June 26, visited the village of Sydenham near Thame today.

Boris was accompanied by John Howell, the Conservative candidate, as they were shown around The Crown pub in Sydenham, which has been bought by five enterprising couples who wanted to ensure its future as a community pub.
The couples, Siobhan and Lloyd McKee, Jenny and Chris Morgan, Anne and John Ashfield, Des and Jayne O'Flanagan, and Martin and Krzysia Gossage, feared that the building would be sold off and converted into a house as has happened to so many village pubs, including the Royal Oak at Moreton.

After commending John Howell as his successor and describing the Liberal Democrat's latest glossy leaflet as "complete twaddle, shameful and deceitful," Boris, who is celebrating his 44th birthday today, said that he and his wife Mariner, had not yet decided whether or not to keep on their house near Thame.

Later this afternoon it emerged that Boris Johnson has demanded, in a letter to the Lib Dem Chief Executive and election co-ordinator, Lord Rennard, that the Lib Dems withdraw their latest leaflet. The leaflet includes images and a quote from Boris above a column seemingly endorsing the Lib Dem candidate.

To questions from both local and national news reporters, John Howell rejected a suggestion that this by election would be "a walk in the park" for the Conservative party.
From: ThameNews.Net

Conservatives call for help in Henley

We need your help to win this by-election. Please come and campaign in Henley.

From: Henley Conservatives

Townlands Hospital Campaign: Conservative candidate did NOT help us

Conservative leaflet showing John Howell outside Henley Community hospital with the caption "John Howell supported Boris Johnson's campaign to save Townlands Hospital" - denied by Hospital campaigners.

Claims by the Conservative campaign that their candidate assisted in the campaign to save Henley's Townlands Hospital are in tatters having been refuted by independent Townlands Campaigners. BOTH the current and former Chairs of the Townlands Hospital Steering Group have issued statements denying any contribution into the campaign by John Howell, despite Conservative leaflets claiming otherwise.

In an interview in the Conservative election magazine "People" John Howell said:

"I'm a big supporter of our local NHS. I supported Boris Johnson and local people in the campaign to save Townlands Hospital in Henley".

In another Q&A in the same magazine, answering the question "What's your proudest achievement on the county council?" he said "The campaign and to protect our local environment from excessive house building has also been important, as has supporting Boris to save Townlands Hospital".

In a Conservative "In Touch" campaign newspaper, John Howell is described as having "supported Boris Johnson's campaign to save Townlands Hospital".

Henley Residents Association Councillor and former Chair of Townlands Hospital Steering Group Barry Wood has demolished the Conservative claims saying:

"John Howell has never been heard of until this election started.

"The local Conservative Party has watched from the sidelines, whilst the Henley Residents Group has inspired the Town Council to fund the 'Support Townlands campaign' to the tune of £30,000."

When Ian Reissmann, Chair of Townlands Hospital Steering group, was questioned on the Conservative Candidate's help to the campaign to Save Townlands Hospital, he said:

"The Townlands Campaign has always been a community based campaign led by local people. The first time I was ever aware of John Howell was after he was first selected as a candidate in the by-election.

"No-one I have spoken to on the Townlands Steering Group is aware of any contribution he has made to the campaign to save Townlands Hospital."

Stephen Kearney said:

"One of the things that makes Henley great is the work of voluntary organisations and community groups throughout the town.

"Ten thousand people signed the petition to save Townlands Hospital. I would like to thank every single one of them for standing up for local residents.

"As Henley's local MP, I will always work with local residents to help keep Henley the special place it is."

From: Henley Liberal Democrats

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ten tonnes of paper through the doors of South Oxfordshire

SINCE the Henley By-election was called two weeks ago the residents of South Oxfordshire have been bombarded by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats with flyers, leaflets, letters (typed and handwritten!), newspapers and glossy magazines.
Within hours of the announcement of John Howell as Conservative candidate the first document came through my door.? This was followed by a further four arriving on the following five days.

I have received copies of the Oxfordshire News, which claims to be a newspaper for South Oxfordshire. After a few seconds reading, however I soon realise that this is nothing but more election material from the Liberal Democrats.

John Howell has sent me glossy magazines, newspapers, letters from David Cameron, letters from Boris?it goes on and on.

The most infuriating and amusing document to come through the letter box was the lovely blue envelope, hand written with a nice 2nd class stamp on the front. Who can this be from, I thought, perhaps some correspondence from aunty or grandma?but no such luck, inside is a letter from guess who Stephen Kearney!

Apart from the annoyance there is the very serious issue of waste.? When you are dealing with such large quantities it is little comfort to be told that it has come from a sustainable source.

The 13 publications which I have received from the Liberal Democrats weighs a total of 118 grams, the Conservatives have sent 10 which weigh in at 108 grams. There are 42,300 households in the Henley Constituency, so when you had up all this paper it comes to a total of 9.5 tonnes. Lets also take into account the amount of ink used, the energy used to print all this election material and delivery across the constituency.? How can John Howell say "Vote Blue, Go Green? It really is a contradiction.

I was delighted to see that the Green Party have sent just one A5 leaflet to every household which totals just 15 kilos of paper. This is a party who are obviously far more confident about what they have to say.

John Howell and Stephen Kearney must be feeling very insecure to feel the need to contact their constituents so frequently. Remember lads - it's not quantity its quality!

Mrs L Bristow
Secretary of the Dorchester Carbon Project

From: Thame

Derek Allpass - Henley English Democrats

Derek Allpass, a retired businessman and Organic Farmer, who lives in nearby Marlow and has 2 adult children, said:-

“I am delighted to stand for the English Democrats. The English Democrats are the English equivalent of Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party. In this election only the English Democrats are standing up for England and English interests.”

“The English Democrats argue that the people of Henley, Oxfordshire and England should have fair and equal treatment with the people of Scotland. This can only happen for England if we have our own Parliament, First Minister and Government, which is exactly what the English Democrats are campaigning for”.

“I am proud to be English and keenly support having an English Parliament. As a party the English Democrats believe in family values and upholding our national traditions, celebrating our heroes like Lord Nelson and Winston Churchill. We support the campaign for a national holiday on St George’s Day and keeping our traditional counties. A vote for the English Democrats Party is a vote for England. Our motto is “Not left, not right, just English!”.


UKIP - Campaigning in Thame and Goring

This weekend I visited two housing estates in Thame where we had a very friendly reception. It is great to see that UKIP is recognised on the doorstep.

Many people confirmed to me that the issues which most concern them are fuel prices, cost of living particularly food prices, the planned closure of local post offices and the increasing intrusion of governments into our private lives.

Obviously, in many cases, talk turned to Europe, and the demand for referendum here is overwhelming. Cameron of course had admitted that one the Lisbon Treaty has been ratified there is little he can do but accept it. He ruled out being able to offer a retrospective referendum, which means that once the treaty is passed, only UKIP will offer a way out for people who don’t want to hand over our sovereignty to Brussels.

As with all by elections people are already more than a little fed up with being pounced on in the street, having leaflets thrust on them and petitions to sign when parties previously showed little interest in the residents for many years. Today I saw the first letter box that had been sealed up in an effort to ward off the flood of leaflets and election material so common in a by-election.

The Lib Dems are the worst offenders in this respect, having already delivered around three leaflets and a newspaper. The newspaper has a picture of the candidate outside the closing post office which, of course, he did not bother to go into. Maybe he’d have to explain why his party voted for the damaging EU laws which has resulted in these closures. Although this is standard by election tactics it’s obvious already that people are now more wary about being approached. We intend to visit not just the door step but also shopping centres, pubs and anywhere where people gather to find out the issues that concern them and tell them the truth on the issues affecting them in their local areas. I’m finding it easier to convince people of our cause once you meet people face to face.

On the pubs issue, I was surprised to find that even in an area like Henley many pubs are struggling as a result of the smoking ban and of course the last round of ludicrous beer price rises, coupled with increasingly cheap drink available to people from supermarkets. As always, however, UKIP is willing to buck the trend and the Young Independence movement is planning a political pub crawl. I am sure they will be well behaved and help spread the word, as well as helping the license trade.

From: Henley UKIP

David Cameron and John Howell meet doctors and local residents

Conservative Party leader David Cameron today joined local campaigner and Conservative candidate John Howell on the by-election campaign trail in Nettlebed. They toured a GPs’ surgery and met doctors and local residents who will be affected by the closure of its dispensary.

Conservative Party leader David Cameron said:

“People fear that the Government’s policy of polyclinics is going to lead to the destruction of the family doctor service. Now the Government says it is going to change the rules so GPs’ surgeries like this one aren’t able to dispense drugs any more, which means even more of these services could close. It’s a crazy idea.”

Local campaigner and Conservative candidate John Howell said:

“Gordon Brown just doesn’t understand areas like South Oxfordshire. People like having a local GP who they’ve got to know because it means they get continuity of care. But instead of supporting them the Government is making it harder and harder for these services to survive.”
From: Henley Conservatives

John Howell missing on key Oxfordshire countryside votes

Conservative candidate and Oxfordshire County Councillor John Howell yesterday missed two key votes on protecting the Oxfordshire countryside. The votes were against a new so-called 'eco-town' near Otmoor, which would significantly increase traffic levels in the area.

Mr Howell has come under fire in the national press for having links to property developers whilst in his election literature claiming that he will defend the Oxfordshire countryside.

Lord Rennard, Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats said:

"Serious questions are being asked of Mr Howell.

"How can he claim to stand up for the Oxfordshire countryside when he cannot even turn up to vote on this vital issue?

"Local people will expect better from someone who is campaigning to be their MP."

From: Henley Liberal Democrats

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Common Good view on life

If we care about the world we will be a happier nation

We need a sense of purpose for our national life. Our purpose should be to make the world a fairer place for everybody. We ought to take seriously, for instance, our commitment to the UN Millenium Development Goals to halve the number of people living on less than $1 a day by 2015.
It sounds simplistic but of course making the world a better place matters a lot. It is an honourable job for any nation to immerse itself in with passion.
If we got stuck into such a big challenge together as a nation, our young people would say to themselves:
There's something good going on here. I want to be part of it. I'll pay attention in class and be useful when I grow up.

That way, we will soon have the skilled workers we need to run a thriving economy and enough resources left over to be a good influence in the world. Without a unifying purpose we will never achieve national happiness or harmony. Consumerism won't do it. It makes us greedy and turns us in on ourselves.

The world needs us. It is also true that we need a job to do in the world, that will bring us together and make us a happier society with a team spirit. Having something to live for is the answer to our social problems such as drugs and crime and messing about at school, pervasive loneliness and lack of direction in life.

I want to get this message through to my fellow citizens and to our leaders as persuasively as I can. I apply it to 20 specific areas of our national life and to our dealings in the wider world. Each issue matters in itself and illustrates the vision as a whole.

UKIP MP to speak at Henley public meeting

Bob Spink MP, who defected from the Conservative Party to join the UK Independendence Party earlier this year, is to speak at a public rally at Thame next Wednesday June 18th.

Mr Spink has been the MP for Castle Point in Essex for seven years.
He will be speaking in support of the UKIP candidate Chris Adams at the Racquet Fitness Centre in North Street.

On Monday 23rd June, UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP will also be speaking at a public forum in support of our candidate.

From: Henley UKIP

Three Leaders: Paddy, Ming and Nick join Stephen in Henley

Paddy Ashdown, Ming Campbell and Nick Clegg all joined Stephen Kearney on the campaign trail in Henley today. The team are backing Stephen's campaign to become the next MP for Henley.

Paddy, Ming, Nick and Stephen walked through the Buttermarket in the centre of Thame on Monday afternoon. They were joined by a host of cameramen, TV cameras and reporters, and met a number of local voters and schoolchildren and visited local shops.

The visit went really well, and they had a great reception from people.

From: Stephen Kearney for Henley

Henley Greens hi-lite Tory gaffe

Within 24 hours of being selected as the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Henley, John Howell showed that he has the potential to be more gaffe-prone than Boris.

The Conservative news sheet "intouch" was distributed across the constituency with the headline 'Conservatives Pick the Only Local Candidate'.

As Mr Howell well knows, the Green Party candidate, Mark Stevenson is every bit as local as he is. Mark lives in the neighbouring village and his selection was announced by the local press the day before Mr Howell was selected.

Indeed, not only did Mr Howell know that Mark Stevenson is the Green candidate, but he knows exactly how local he is. Mark is a parish councillor in Dorchester on Thames where Mr Howell has regularly been quizzed by him at council meetings.

Their paths have also crossed when,in his capacity as a school governor, Mark raised concerns with Mr Howell about the purpose and efficiency of Oxfordshire County Council's Review of Primary Schools.

Mark Stevenson said "It's ridiculous, John knows perfectly well that I am the Green candidate. He also knows that I am an active, effective and vocal parish councillor - only a few weeks ago he heard me giving my chairman's annual report of the work of the Dorchester Carbon Project. It's interesting that the Conservatives should already feel so insecure about their candidate that they appear to have resorted to deliberate lies before the campaign is a day old."

"But we have to be charitable about this", Mark continued, "it could just be a stupid mistake made in a hurry. After all intouch also proudly declared itself to be printed on woodfree pulp sourced from sustainable forests. Just how sustainable are woodfree forests? I wonder."
From: Oxfordshire Greens

John Howell's Campaign Blog - 14th June

Thame Carnival - 1.30pm

I've just come back from the Thame Carnival and after a couple of cooler days (more bearable weather for canvassers!) the sun is out again. We saw the carnival pass through town and then went to the Southern Road Recreation Ground with some supporters to meet people and hand out more balloons. We saw lots of orange ones as we arrived, but they all turned out to be from the Co-op rather than the Liberal Democrats!

Speaking of which, I had a letter this morning from a lifelong Liberal Democrat voter who said she wouldn't go for them this time because of the nature of their campaign. The letter was followed up with a phone call this morning so she obviously feels very strongly about it. One or two people on the doorstep have begun to say the same thing - that they are really turned off by the negativity of the Liberal Democrat literature. Their campaign claims that I want to build on the green belt even though I have a long track record locally of campaigning against exactly that. It's the Liberal Democrats on the city council that want to build on the green belt in Oxfordshire so the cheek of their campaign is pretty breathtaking!

From: John Howell's Campaign Blog

Nick Clegg and Stephen Kearney visit Thame Festival Fete

On Saturday, Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg and Liberal Democrat candidate for the Henley by-election Stephen Kearney visited Thame Festival Fete, where they toured the stalls and chatted to local residents.

Stephen Kearney said:

"Thank you to everyone who helped arrange the fete. It was a wonderful event, which brought the whole community together. Its people like this who help to build vibrant communities like Thame."

Nick Clegg said:

"It was fantastic to see so many people out and about enjoying themselves at an event that means so much to local people.

"It was excellent to see what a good reception Stephen received. He's clearly getting to know local people very well, and has real star quality."

A message from Richard McKenzie

From Henley to Culham and Thame to Whitchurch Hill residents have told me of their dissatisfaction with their MP.

I promise to concentrate on the Henley Constituency. I believe that an MP should work for you all year round and not just when there are jamborees to open.

I have won and fought campaigns to tackle anti-social behaviour, introduce CCTV , improve social housing, to protect health services, fight against inappropriate development and to protect the environment.

Richard said, "The Labour values of social justice, equality and economic fairness are just as relevant to the Henley Constituency as any other; I know that I can make a difference in Henley and that I am the right candidate to be Henley's next MP".


The campaign leaflets and posters from the Crewe & Nantwich by-election are now available HERE.

Just click on a candidates name to see their election material.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rebel Labour MPs join David Davis campaign

Tory maverick David Davis yesterday received an unexpected boost in his one-man campaign to preserve civil liberties as rebel Labour MPs announced that they were ready to support him.

The MPs, who are risking expulsion from Labour, may yet turn Davis’s campaign into a problem for Gordon Brown, the prime minister.

Davis unexpectedly resigned last week as shadow home secretary to force a by-election and campaign against the “slow strangulation” of civil liberties. He was spurred to do so after the House of Commons voted to allow police to detain suspects for up to 42 days without charge.

Davis faces continued criticism from fellow Conservatives for his action, with one MP publicly accusing him of “folly and vanity”. However, Bob Marshall-Andrews, Labour MP for Medway and a leading critic of Brown’s terrorism legislation, said yesterday that he would travel to Davis’s Yorkshire constituency to lend his support.

HARRY BEAR - Election address

From Harry Bear, Leader of the Fur Play Party



Harry Bear, leader of the Fur Play Party, is to contest the Henley by-election as the party’s candidate. Mr Bear said:

“My mission – and my party’s – is to stop politics being boring. That’s why I fought the election in Dudbury, which used to be Britain’s most boring town. Not any more. Richard Heller’s campaign biography Membear Of Parliament shows how I turned it round. Now I feel it is right to make the same offer to Henley.

“Without Boris Johnson, Henley could be a much duller place. This will not happen if I become its MP.

“If elected I will fight for better pay and conditions for nurses and better treatment for those in retirement, including teddy bears: for every bear who gets rich and famous like Winnie the Pooh or Paddington there's thousands in the attic without a pension.

"Above all I will campaign for more outdoor play for the children of Henley - including a cricket team for every Henley schoolchild who wants to play in one. I did this in Dudbury, with the help of Chance to shine, the Cricket Foundation’s charity, which brings cricket and achievement to state schools. And I will invite all Henley children to tell me what they would like their MP to do for them".

Election address

Vote for HARRY BEAR – and give Henley a hug!

Don’t be a Blairite, be a Bearite “Hello, Henley. I’m Harry Bear and I would like to be your MP. I am running for the Fur Play Party – Britain’s fastest-growing political movement. Vote for me and Henley will never be dull. I have been an MP before, in Dudbury, which used to be Britain’s most boring town but not any more. You can check out my record and what I stand for now in and by reading my campaign biography Membear Of Parliament, written by Richard Heller.

“If you’ve had enough of politics-as-usual from the major parties…

“If you would like a new kind of MP for Henley…

“If you care for Henley’s children… Please vote for me”

Harry Bear

HARRY BEAR – Independent, like you

HARRY BEAR – He’ll make the fur fly in Parliament

If elected for Henley I will

Fight for everyone in retirement. I know how life can be tough for retired people. For every teddy bear who gets rich and famous, like Winnie-the-Pooh or Paddington, there’s thousands in the attic without a pension, the way my mother and father used to live

Fight for better pay and conditions for nurses and everyone working in the NHS – like my girlfriend, a hospital bear in Dudbury

Get more outdoor play for Henley’s children, including a cricket team for every Henley schoolchild who wants to play in one. I have been working with the Cricket Foundation’s charity Chance to Shine which brings cricket and achievement to state schools

Make sure that Henley’s children – and children everywhere in Britain – get heard in Parliament

The Bear Facts: Harry Bear is a qualified professional teddy bear and a graduate of DudburyAcatedemySchool. He can speak five languages, including Baby. He is a ninth Desperate Dan in tedkwando, and has bested many monsters in unarmed combat. He is also a passionate cricketer. His biography, Membear Of Parliament, by Richard Heller is published by Bearmondsey Publishing (ISBN 978-0-9556740-0-6).

From: Richard Heller Blog

Tories in turmoil as David Davis resigns over 42-day vote

The shadow home secretary, David Davis, threw the Conservative leadership into turmoil today by unexpectedly announcing his resignation as an MP, forcing a byelection in his constituency over the government's 42-day terror detention plan.

Davis's move - to "take a stand" on what he said was the "relentless erosion" of freedoms by the government - was taken against the wishes of David Cameron, who beat him in a Tory leadership election in 2005.

Cameron made his disappointment clear by replacing Davis as shadow home secretary with the shadow attorney general, Dominic Grieve, and saying Davis had no guarantee of returning to the front bench if - as all parties expect - he wins the byelection.

Davis seemed unaware he had consigned himself to the backbenches, telling the BBC: "I may or may not be on the backbenches … This issue matters more to me than my job."

Labour attempted to undercut Davis by announcing that they, like the Liberal Democrats, would not contest the byelection in Howden and Haltemprice. But Davis's decision to resign and stand again - a move last seen on the British mainland in 1982, and not since 1973 on a single issue of principle - injects new unpredictability into British politics.

The bookmakers Ladbrokes said Davis's actions offered a "glimmer of hope" for Labour and promptly cut the odds on a Brown victory at the next general election from 9/4 to 2/1.

In spite of Cameron's swift decision to replace Davis and his apparent lack of enthusiasm for Davis's decision, the Conservatives rejected suggestions there had been a cabinet split on the issue.

Cameron described Davis's stand as "courageous" but emphasised that it was a personal one. He wished Davis well in his campaign and said he and other Conservatives may campaign for him.

But, announcing Grieve's appointment, he insisted: "My responsibility as leader of the Conservative party is to put in place at all times the strongest, best and most permanent team and to offer our country a better government."

Grieve rejected suggestions that the party's stance on the issue had split the shadow cabinet and had been the cause of divisions between Davis and Cameron.

"In all parties there are debates and issues but the idea that this has been some sort of divisive issue is a fantasy," he told Sky News.

He added: "There has never been any split on 42 days of any kind at all within the shadow cabinet; we have united in our view that the measure is unnecessary, wrong, and, in fact with the concessions we have now had, appallingly drafted."

Grieve said the Tories were committed to repealing the legislation as it currently stood.

"If what ends up on the statute book is not in the context of a state of emergency, and at the moment it certainly is not, then we would be wishing to repeal it. The first step is to prevent it going on the statute book in the first place."

Davis also denied that there was any split. Asked whether he had had a disagreement over tactics with Cameron, Davis told the BBC: "It's completely untrue. David has given me a completely free hand on this. He and I have virtually identical beliefs in this area."

A Conservative source said Davis had had only three hours' sleep on Tuesday night and was going through some kind of personal crisis. Davis brushed the suggestion aside, saying: "Pop psychology in politics is very amusing but rarely right."

In his resignation statement, delivered outside the Commons at 1pm, Davis said: "I will argue in this byelection against the slow strangulation of fundamental British freedoms by this government."

He said the undermining of civil liberties through moves such as detention and the introduction of ID cards "cannot go on".

"It must be stopped, and for that reason today I feel it is incumbent on me to take a stand," he told reporters outside the Commons.

Aides to Davis had indicated that last night's vote was "do or die", and he had staked a great deal of his credibility on the outcome.

A spokeswoman for Cameron insisted there was "absolutely no rift" between the two men. But Davis told both Cameron and the Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, about his decision last night after the terrorism vote.

Clegg said: "The Liberal Democrats have consistently opposed this unnecessary and illiberal proposal [increasing the detention limit] which poses a threat so serious to British liberties that it transcends party politics.

"I have therefore decided, after consultation with the party nationally and locally, that we will not stand a candidate at the forthcoming byelection which will be contested by David Davis solely on this issue."

The Lib Dems had targeted the seat in 2005 as part of its ill-fated "decapitation" strategy to unseat key Tory figures but Davis was re-elected with a 5,116 majority.

Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, said: "Faced with a crucial decision on the safety and protection of the British public, the Conservatives have collapsed into total disarray on what is their first big policy test since they have come under greater scrutiny.

"David Cameron must come clean on what has really happened and why David Davis has really resigned."

The director of Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti, said: "Last night's debate, and the brave Labour rebels in particular, showed that democrats from across the spectrum care passionately about rights and freedoms.

"MPs of all parties hold courage and conviction about these values and few more so than David Davis."

Davis's local party fully backed his decision. Its chairman, Duncan Gilmour, said. "David discussed early in the week what he would do if the result went against us last night. David is a man of principle and we fully back him," he told the Press Association.

About this articleClose This article was first published on on Thursday June 12 2008. It was last updated at 18:52 on June 12 2008.

From: The Guardian

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vote For Harry Bear!

My Campaign Song

Vote For Harry Bear! (words: The Dolly Sisters music: Patrick Lucas)

Someone new
Is on our street,
And he'll give our town
A whole new beat.
He'll be speaking
Day and night
Saying just what he knows to be right.
We need you
To vote for Harry Bear
He'll really make a difference.
He has a dream to share.
He's coming:
You'll see him everywhere -
So please fill out the ballot
And vote for Harry Bear!

He'll fight monsters
When you sleep
And lay them all out in a heap.
He'll be with you
When you wake
And lead his life for your sake.
We need you
To vote for Harry Bear
You can depend upon him
When you need him he'll be there.
He loves you,
He'll always, always care
So please fill out the ballot
And vote for Harry Bear!

He's a leader,
Tough and brave,
In the House he'll make a big wave.
A million people
He will reach
When he gets up to make his first speech.
We need you
To vote for Harry Bear
He's got fur and he'll be fearless,
There's nothing he won't dare.
You know him
He's got fur and he'll be fair -
So please fill out the ballot
And vote for Harry Bear!

From: Harry Bear

Dual candidates for Miss Great Britain Party

Louise Cole and Amanda Harrington are standing against each other as dual candidates in the June 26 by-election, which their Miss Great Britain Party claim is an electoral first.

The party's manifesto "seeks to empower women and make Britain in general and Westminster in particular more glamorous places."

Key pledges include, "the rights of women everywhere to equal pay, a commitment to fair pay for Britain’s armed forces and a pledge to launch a true British Bank Holiday to celebrate British beauty."

Candidate Louise, 30, from Chichester, said: "Beautiful women and those who work to make themselves look beautiful do have the power to get things done.

"Beauty can be the spur to action – as has been recognised in European legislatures where beautiful women abound in major government jobs and can be seen to be getting things changed in a positive way."

And single mum Amanda Harrington, 26 from Aintree in Liverpool, added: "I am not a politician and I’ll be the first to admit that it is not my specialist subject.

"But I pride myself on being savvy and I can be hugely influential – especially with men. Besides, it is important to keep up the recent tradition of having a blonde MP in Henley!"

The bid follows reigning Miss Great Britain Gemma Garrett's attempt to win the Crewe and Nantwich seat in the May 22 by-election, snatched by Tory Edward Timpson.

From: The Sun